Meter Services

Olameter’s Meter and Field Services division focuses on all services related to meters. We have vast experience with electric, gas and water meters from all major manufacturers for the residential, commercial, industrial, and sub-meter markets throughout the US and Canada.

Meter Services

Mass Installations

Combined, Olameter and Tribus Services are currently under contract, or have completed, the mass deployment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) or automated meter reading (AMR) systems for over 180 installation projects, totaling nearly 30 million electric, gas, and water AMI / AMR meter and module exchanges / retrofits.

Meter Maintenance

Olameter can supply the personnel needed to manage full site services programs for utilities of all types. We have in-field technicians that are qualified to perform a variety of ad-hoc meter-related work at customer premises.

Meter Reading

Since 1985, Olameter has provided safe, accurate, and high-quality meter reading services for electric, gas and water utilities.

Utility Field Services

For in-field utility services, electric, gas, and water utilities choose Olameter to serve as the face of your utility.

Project Management & Consulting

Olameter's project management and consulting expertise covers everything from RFP to post-project

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